Thursday, May 24, 2012

Let's Go Hunting

There is something going on in the country right now and neither the democrats or the establishment republicans like it. The tea party has started kicking the RINOs out of office in the primary elections and will soon set their sights on getting the democrats in the general election. Neither side of the aisle likes this because it means that they are losing their grip on the elite political class and are having to give power back to the people.

The tea party is doing it the right way too. They did not crate a third party, which would be the death of both tea party ideals and the republican establishment. Instead they are changing the culture from inside the republican party.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Kill the Golden Goose

Why is it that statists hate capitalism even though they use it to make themselves wealthy? There are so many in the left-wing elite that have decided that they have "gotten theirs" so now we need to bring down the system. There are others who benefit greatly from the incredible increase in the standard of living for all of the citizens in this great nation due to capitalism and yet they decry it as evil.

They fail to realize that free market capitalism is the most just economic system ever created. Capitalism has created the most wealth for more people in history. In no other system is the standard of living higher for the majority of their citizens than under capitalism. The US is also the most charitable nation in the world.

The greatest thing about capitalism in a free society, as it was for the first 150 years of our nation and is in most part today, has to be the fact that it is truly classless. It's not as it is in socialism where there is the ruling class and the working class and it is nearly impossible to move into the latter. In fact most people who are successful in the US have come from virtually nothing. J.C. Penny came from poverty and then went on to start one of the worlds largest retail chains. J.C. Penny also serves as another great example of capitalism, they didn't stay at the top. Someone else eventually came along, whether it was K-Mart and then Wal-Mart, who was more passionate and innovative.

Even people who don't go on to start their own businesses move in and out of income ranges. More than half of all people making minimum wage are between 16 and 24 years old, meaning as they get older and gain more experience their labor becomes more valuable. Also, 95% of individuals that start their life in the bottom 20% of income earners will not end up there. In fact more than 30% will end up in the top 40% of wage earners.

The statistics in this post where gathered from "Basic Economics" by Thomas Sowell

Silver Bullet

Obama has said, on several occasions, that there is no "silver bullet" that can bring down gas prices. He wants us to believe that there is no policy that he, or congress, can enact that can lower gas prices even though he is considering opening up the United State's Strategic Oil Reserves so that he can increase the supply of oil before the election to drive down prices. It is clear that he understands that more supply would cause prices to go down, the "silver bullet."

The problem is that Obama only wants a short term fix in gas prices. He has admitted that he wants gas prices to rise so that automakers are forced to make more gas efficient cars (like in the video below).

It is his intentions to move forward with policies that would cause gas prices to raise. Policy makers are keeping supply low by not letting oil companies drill where we know that there are large reserves of oil. Regulations also make it almost impossible and incredibly expensive to refine oil. When something costs more to produce, producers are forced to pass those higher prices on to consumers or go out of business.