hat tip therightscoop.com for the video
There is only one thing that Jesse Jackson says in ALL of this that is true. America is a Liberal idea. Just not in the sense that he is talking about. The word liberal means: of or pertaining to liberty, or of a free man. The modern day use of the word liberal is in complete contradiction to the true meaning of the word. Liberal ideas are about individual liberty while people like Jesse Jackson believe that liberty belongs to the government so that it will have the freedom to organize society.
Let's break down what Jesse Jackson is saying paragraph by paragraph:
America is a liberal idea. How can you have in our country that is based upon liberality and liberation, be so anti-liberal. That’s toxic waste to our consciousness. It’s hard to be an American conservative because that’s a contradiction in terms.
Modern conservatives are only "anti-liberal" as far as the modern use of the word goes. It is todays grass roots conservatives, such as the tea partiers, that are liberal in the true sense of the word. Modern conservatives believe in liberation from government coercion, just as the founding fathers did. It is also true that "American conservative" is a contradiction in terms because todays conservatives don't seek to conserve the status quo like the term would indicate. Modern conservatives instead seek to conserve the founding principles of our nation, which we have strayed too far away from.
I know it seems like I am arguing symantics here, but there is a very important point to be made here that I will get to.
Now if you take away freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of protest, and lock people out based upon their race, their language and their religion, that’s conservative and fascist. America is a liberal idea. It’s the idea of human rights for all human beings measured by one yard stick – was threatening to tyranny.
He is right in that first sentence, if you take away all those things it is the road to fascism. The only problem with that is that it is the political left that seeks to do those things. The left is trying to control free speech with the fairness doctrine. The left owns most of the press and the media in this country and spews it's propaganda. And it is most certainly only the left that makes race an issue in this day and age. People like Jesse Jackson are the racists in this country. It is in Jesse Jackson's personal self interest that racism persist in this country. If racism went away then he would be unemployed. His whole career is about manufacturing false racism.
It is the modern day conservative, the tea party, that believes that we are all created equal and that we should be measured by "one yardstick." We believe that everyone, no matter their race or gender, should have equal opportunity, not that we should end up equal. We have freedom of choice in this country which leads people to make different decisions, which leads to different outcomes. Even if there was a way to generate equal outcomes, which there isn't, it could only be done through force and coercion by government.
That’s why the most revolutionary rule in the Bible is the Golden Rule. It is the most threatening rule to tyranny you can imagine. For those who are driven by inheritance or privilege as opposed to work and sacrifice, it’s a very threatening rule.
Well, there's not a lot you can say about this statement but "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" hasn't been revolutionary since Jesus said it. Though I guess you could say that the fact that it is followed the most in free market capitalism is revolutionary to Jesse Jackson. Free market capitalism uses voluntary exchange. In a free market one individual cannot be forced to buy a product or service from another individual, both parties make transactions on terms that are mutually agreeable.
Another aspect about free market capitalism is that inherited wealth means nothing. Most of today's wealthy are not that way because they or their family members where wealthy 50 or 100 years ago. They built their wealth through innovation and hard work. In no other political or economical system is this possible.
You got something to fight for. It’s the agenda!
I mean the agenda is before us. So if you must occupy, define occupation so it’s not a nebulous term. Fighting for easier access to education and the right to vote and the right to health care is a fight worth fighting. And that may very well be as the winter thaws…this is the fight of our future.
In this statement he talks about "easy access to education" and the "right to vote" as if these are even issues. Every citizen 18 years or older can vote as long as they register to do so and anyone can get an education in this country. Public schools are paid for by taxes, junior colleges are relatively inexpensive, and just about everyone will get approved for a student loan to go to a university. Access to education is definitely not a problem in this country.
Mr. Jackson also talks about a "right to healthcare." The reason this is not a right is because it would give the government too much control over our lives, bankrupt the nation financially, and could only be made possible by stealing from some people to give to others.
The main reason for my dissecting this video is how Jesse Jackson uses the word liberal. The left-wing statists have hyjacked this word for this very reason. When Mr. Jackson starts off by saying that this country is a liberal idea he controls the argument because, based on the true definition of the word, he is right. But he doesn't use the word as it is traditionally defined. Framing the argument on their terms has long been a tactic of the left and the free thinking individuals of this nation need to stop allowing them to do it. When we call them "liberals" or "progressives" we put the ball in their court by allowing them to control the vocabulary. And when they control the vocabulary, they control the argument, no matter how wrong they are.
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