Monday, March 5, 2012

Occupy Hypocrisy

I know that they occupy movement is a little old and played out, and hopefully goes away soon. But with any left wing political movement, there is a great deal of hypocrisy and ignorance that goes into it.

The hypocrisy is in the fact that they target greed and yet they always talk about redistributing wealth. For me there is nothing more greedy than expecting to get money from someone else that you didn't earn. If someone works hard and makes a lot of money, then they have earned the right to keep it. It's theirs, they worked for it. No one else should be able to lay claim to it just because they think it's not fair that someone else has more money than them. That is greedy.

The occupy movement is also very ignorant to reality. I read the "declaration" of the occupation New York over the weekend and not only is one third of it based on lies and misinformation, the rest is completely misguided. Now, I have to note that they really haven't officially said how they will achieve their demands. But from what I have gathered through communications with members on social media channels is that they want the government to step in and make things right by taking from the rich and redistributing it out to everyone else. They are ignorant to the fact that government policies is what has created the corruption we have right now. There where a lot of policies during FDR's administration (like the AAA and the NRA) that actually hurt small business and put more power in the hands of large corporations and farms. FDR also set a new standard for political patronage and pork barrel spending. It is policies like this that have caused a lot of the problems we have today. If businesses have nothing to gain from lobbying washington, they wont do it. Congress has gotten into the habit of over stepping the constitution by spending money that they are not constitutionally at liberty to spend and creating bureaus that they are not constitutionally at liberty to create. (See how the word liberty is used. This is the mindset of the modern day "liberals." They think they have the liberty to spend your money how they see fit.)

If we hold congress to the limitations that are written out in the constitution then businesses and special interests will have nothing to gain through government legislation because there won't be any.

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